The Young Historians Workshop was conducted by Heritage India and Art2day in May 2019. This was the first of its kind workshop in Pune – the Young Historians Camp for kids! And what an inquisitive, creative lot we had! Over two days, they created their versions of rock art, designed some amazing coins, turned archaeologists for the day to dig some pits and found artifacts and even created a model for a city! Our aim was to engage youngsters with India’s rich heritage, to get in touch with their roots. We covered topics such as Archaeology, Barter system, Numismatics, River Valley Civilisations and Rock Cut Caves. Each session was a combination of short films, games, activities and a short presentation, to involve and engage each child in the topic to initiate a holistic understanding of the beautiful possibilities our future may hold. The Junior Yatra project strives to create a sense of pride and belonging amongst the young generation and help them connect to their roots.