HI Vol.3 Issue 3

In this issue of Heritage India, we present the Chandella rulers, known for their patronage of art and architecture. Clebrate Onam in Kerala, and witness the wonders of Kalaripayattu, the ancient martial art of God’s own country. With articles on Emperor Ashoka, the indomitable Chittorgarh fort, Goan architecture and the Pahaari people, as well as features on blue pottery and ancient iron making, this issue of Heritage India is as packed as ever. Explore the wild side of the Himalayas in Kumaon and read about the King Cobra and lots more in your quarterly keepsake!


In this issue of Heritage India, we present the Chandella rulers, known for their patronage of art and architecture. Clebrate Onam in Kerala, and witness the wonders of Kalaripayattu, the ancient martial art of God’s own country. With articles on Emperor Ashoka, the indomitable Chittorgarh fort, Goan architecture and the Pahaari people, as well as features on blue pottery and ancient iron making, this issue of Heritage India is as packed as ever. Explore the wild side of the Himalayas in Kumaon and read about the King Cobra and lots more in your quarterly keepsake!

The story of iron making in the past reaches back into the recesses of the past, to times when communities evolved their own techniques of mining, smelting and production. Today, these communities have discarded their traditional knowledge and skills, adapting instead to new occupations.
P.P. Deshpande

On the foothills of the great ranges of the north, lies the land where nature thrives in all her raw vitality. Birds, mammals, reptiles, plant, tree, shrub, grasslands, water bodies and rocky features come together to create an unforgettably vibrant world that awes and inspires.
Rahul Rao

It took centuries for the character of Goan architecture to evolve. Its journey from prehistoric beginnings to organised homesteads and settlements both culminated finally in a robust effulgence of form and design drawn from both East and West as well as local traditional styles.
Randhir Khare

Every year when all Nature is awakened by the rain to don her finery, the people of Kerala celebrate the comming of Mahabali, their beloved King of yore. Song, dance, music, sport, feasting and social liveliness reflect the spirit of the festival.
Susheela Nair

Ancient Indian history accords a special place to quite a few dynasties that have been responsible for extraordinary achievements in the spheres of politics, culture, public life or military prowess. Among them, the Chandellas are known for their contribution to architecture which found expression in beautiful temples that are rich with enigmatic and erotic sculptures and religious imagery.
G.B. Deglurkar

Though Zeolites, a family of silicate minerals, are found in many regions of the world, those produced specially from the Deccan trap in Western parts of India far transcend the others in quality and quantity.
Shreekant Jadhav, Ajit Vartak

Rising out of the turmoil of dissension, King Ashoka became the standard bearer of a whole new way of life and values. He crafted the Mauryan empire into a powerful and compassionate entity. Here we explore his life and times as revealed through his edicts and Pali and Sanskrit(Northern tradition) literary texts.
Meena Talim

Known to grow more than eighteen feet and believed to be able to overtake a running horse, this deadly snake has enough venom to kill an elephant…and yet it accounts for far less number of deaths in South India than does its lesser cousin, the Indian Cobra.
Anirudh Chaoji

Here’s where history has left its footprints deep in stone and the air is light with the breath of romance, beauty and chivalry. Within the walls of this gigantic fort, drama after drama has been played out, leaving behind the lingering fragments of legends.
(DIP), Chittorgarh Group, F.L.A.M.E

They are, despite the changes that have fraught their mountain home, a simple people, suffused with the spiritual life of this ancient land. Here, folktales and mythology merge and give these rugged people a resilience that is commendable.
Kumar Mangwani

It has been a long journey, traversing centuries. The famed Jaipur Blue travelled all the way from China, with traders and travellers, to Turkey, Mesopotamia and Persia before coming to Kashmir with the Mughals and finally finding its home in Jaipur. Today it embodies all these cultures that it has absorbed on the way, morphing in the process to reflect the modern idiom of the present.
Padma Raghavan & Savita Narayan

In early times, this martial art was practiced by warriors dedicated to the King’s service. Today, it has become a source of inspiration for self-expression in both traditional and contemporary dance, theatre and fitness, harmoniously combining art, science and medicine.
Ammini Ramachandran

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